​A lot of off the field stuff that needs to get into Madden

Jul-26-2022 PST Category: Madden 23

If you play this game, with all the elements set to be as complicated as it is possible to be without CPU automation it's still a remarkably simple game.

The biggest problem with EA is that they don't allow players the option of deciding what they'd like to play in the best part. They simplify everything for their players.

In the same vein Why don't we have actual 5th year options without being component of the engine for scenario? If you think that the addition of things like void years is too complicated I'm not going to argue with that overly however we don't have the most basic aspects of contracts which have no reason for not playing.

The same features that were included present in the PS2 version...... We went back the game to Madden 07/08 (can't remember which version) in the past and we were spoiled:


Assigning roles

Free agency with restrictions (tenders)

Free agency

All star college game

Scouting (mini-drills) to unlock certain attributes

Draft (cpu teams that trade with each another and can offer you trades too)

Draft grades (had to be snubbed because I was almost never able to get higher than a B )

Free Agency

Also, don't forget about the various options for the owner too.

If you were able to do everything by yourself, the off-season was a long time.

I'm optimistic about Franchise in the coming year. I believe it will get "overhauled". It's likely to have an entirely different style and look. As I've said that they have gone through a whole generation without making any changes to the Franchise. Even a simple change to the menu layouts, layouts, or adding pages will feel like an upgrade. I don't think there will be a lot of emphasis on FoTF in the coming year. I can't imagine EA making a year 3 of a mode or feature until they are satisfied that it is successful. It could be a Longshot scenario in which they cancel the feature after year 2. In addition, with FoTF the one way to get beyond the past two years is to open it up to both sides and more in-depth by telling a story. In the case of an entire pandemic development cycle I'm not sure how they'll manage the mocapping that is required to tell the larger story. I'd prefer them to return to the classic Superstar mode and concentrate on Franchise.

As I mentioned, gameplay doesn't have to be "bad". It's not the reason I'm not a fan of Madden. My biggest concerns with gameplay are the 2 man animations, interaction between OL and DL as well as AI. However, since Madden 17 was released, I would have purchased Madden in the event that Franchise were at the quality of other games in the sports genre. Without even mentioning Complex football features, Madden is missing a number of the basic off-the-field NFL things that were present during the PS2 timeframe. Franchise is like an annual Season mode that is a toggle feature that cuts down the user's responsibilities, which provides you with a basic off-field experience.

These real options for 5th year and PS2 features are largely unexplored and required. However, how can you avoid having Mock Drafts as well as GMs(with an impact) during an NFL game. Drafts that simulate are a major aspect of the process of drafting and scouting in the real world. Even if it's just the first round of a Mock draft Mock drafts are an excellent alternative. GMs should have played with an Impact beyond the Scenario Engine. I would rather have an GM mode rather than an Owner mode. or Height, Weight and physical traits that have more impact in the drafting/scouting process. The school or conference can have a greater influence on rankings. Draft rankings are in opposition to big boards.

Lots of non-field items that must be brought into Madden. Do you think so? And Mut 23 coins hot sale will coming from MMOexp.com, wait for a while.