​Bard - True Courage & MP Efficiency

I'm working on the 4th and 5th engravings. I would like to discuss the TC and MP Efficiency of different reasons. I personally use an encapsulated version of Swift/Spec that is the most efficient according to my experience, however should you want to use the full Swift or Spec, take it into consideration for your own build.

The three core sets are widely regarded as The Desperate Salvation set, Awakening, Heavy Armor I am in agreement with the basic engraving set. As I look forward to the upcoming content, I've noticed that the obstacles mainly become DPS checks.

To address MP issues, there are Max MP as well as MP Efficiency to choose from choices. I've played with Valtanor Argos and researched the future fights to confirm it that MP Efficiency is becoming more effective as a real boost to MP.

Most of the time, there is nothing else other than Valtan and Argos could even have the chance of forcing me to utilize "too too much" mana.

When testing Valtan with different groups, during fights that lasted longer, the MP's efficiency was being a non-issue. I never had a moment where I am too low and cannot cast. Max MP could at times get to a point that I needed to stop to be patiently waiting for the regen tick before I could cast guardian tune or any other expensive spell.

In the 5th, a majority of guides and tips advise that you should use drops of ether to gain additional offensive buffs that help with DPS checks. My problem with this is that it is dependent on my teammates taking the drops of ether. I'm having trouble getting people to be close to a healing circle in order to be healed.

In addition, drops only occur by doing damage. Sometimes, WoM is used as an armor shield that doesn't damage enemies as well, and HT and GT are the most important buffs are often cast but without guaranteeing damage hits to the HT. GT can't do damage. For most fights (becomes more so as your team gets more comfortable fighting) you can keep the 3 charge Song of Courage. It's really like almost 100% uptime, with 20 percent damage and 10% Crit would be the best most effective way to take.

Summary: Based on my personal experience, MP efficiency can provide more MP benefit than Max MP but with an additional amount of damage (great for solo-only content). True courage is simple to keep in place compared to drops of Ethereal. And Lost Ark gold for sale cheaper & faster than others, go to p2pah buy & sell now, have a nice day.