DK in s5 was absolutely busted for sure
DK in s5 was definitely busted, for certain... however it's not among the top five "busted" specifications of the history of the game, since there were specs that were worse.
Pre-nerf skilled warriors in S2 such as the weapon is a rank ahead of all other players in terms of damage, or stunlocking people more effectively than Rogues.
- MoP - MoP Destro locks were capable of globalizing two people at once using havoc-chaos bolts, and were capable of self-healing that is ridiculous.
There were "zoo" hunter in the same way as MoP or the first season of WoD who would run up the middle of their area and hit "stampede" and then look at their pets alone behind the wall.
Dagger and Vial are Rogues at the final chapter of cata.
Legendary + Cunning from the Cruel warlocks near the end of cata.
Legendary + Cunning, 4pc Dragonsoul Shadow Priests (4pc dragon souls effectively allow them to stack 3x arcane abilities over themselves).
Blood DK's have had several seasons in which they have been able to be solo past 2k in 2s... the biggest outlier I remember witnessing an blood DK who had a super Deathwing sword at the end of Cata... The tentacles of proc would deal the damage needed to take out anyone regardless of whether his damage wasn't enough.
- SM/Riun Locks in Vanilla.
- NF/Conflag locks in vanilla.
- The final Legion Destro is probably the most weak of the bunch here even though it mostly "stand in the open" and casting the chaos bolt twice then you'll win." "... I'd suggest that it was still superior to S5 DKs.
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