​End game Uber boss idea for Diablo 4

Aug-15-2022 PST Category: Diablo

Diablo 4. End Game Idea (Uber Bosses)

Hell's 7 Rings Hell

Each ring represents the difficulty level of rifts based on the most evil and less evil. For instance, the very first ring in Hell is Tier 1 which is Azmodan's realm in Hell so the theme for the art / tile set of mobs, rifts, and possibly mobs, would be Sin.

The ring of Hell will comprise a set of rifts difficult to be completed. And after all rifts in a the tier (ring) are complete, there is a second portal that can be created to battle the boss of the ring's Uber boss. For instance, the first Ring (Tier 1) is one of the Uber variant of Azmodan.

- These Uber bosses can be very challenging and can really test the player. For instance, they are designed using mechanics that are similar those of Path of Exile, Lost Ark's guardian raid boss's Blizzard's Wow bosses for raids. (have mechanics with one-shot mechanics and mechanics that cannot be overlooked, and perhaps even phases)

You are able to advance to the next rings (Tier 2,) after defeating the first rings' Uber boss.

The first four rings in Hell are known as the 4 Lesser Evils The last three Rings of Hell are the primary Evils. Each Tier signifies an increase in difficulty until you get to the ultimate Prime Evil at the bottom in Hell (Tier 7.)

Each Uber boss will drop a special loot which is only available through the end-game system and upon defeating each Uber boss The boss gives you an item that unlocks the subsequent level of hell.

- In the end, when the player has succeeded in getting to the final 7th Tier, upon killing Uber Diablo the player will be awarded with a unique loot, similar as the Hellfire torch from Diablo 2, or something worthy of the time and effort sink required to complete this last game mission.

This end-game system is a great option to play either in groups or on your own however it should not be attempted until the player has the character to their max and moved through the challenging tiers.

Lesser Evils

Duriel is the Lord of Pain

Andariel the maiden to Anguish

Belial The Lord of Lies

Azmodan is the God of Sin

Prime Evils

Mephisto - the God of Hatred

Baal The Lord Destruction

Diablo The Lord of Terror

I love Diablo and really would like Diablo 4 to be as amazing as it could be. Let me know what think about this concept. I'm looking forward to discussing with the community of this wonderful community your thoughts. By the way, get safe d2r ladder items and diablo 4 gold from p2pah.com, great service & helpful so fast.