In previous PvE patches like HoO or Abyss
Initially, I didn't plan on making a suggestion regarding the recent Angelic Temple / Demonic Fortress content, but after reviewing Patch v111, I believe it might be beneficial.
In previous PvE patches like HoO or Abyss, once players acquired the gear, running the dungeons still had benefits. They could help guildmates by providing essences or sell them for Eden Eternal Gold. However, in AT/DF, essences are not tradable. While we can trade weapons, the issue lies in the fact that I have crafted more weapons than I can upgrade. Therefore, running the dungeons for weapons doesn't offer any assistance.
As the staff is likely aware, there was a decline in PvP players around two months ago when some guilds stopped participating in PvP. Along with the new players joining thanks to Patch v111 (I have already encountered a few on the first day), these PvP players are also returning for the new weapons. Those of us who have always stayed up to date with content have been helping newcomers and returning players gear up. It was a win-win situation as we could either provide them with what they needed or profit from the drops we obtained.
For these reasons, I believe making essences tradable could be an interesting option. This way, players wouldn't have to grind as much without assistance from already geared players, and geared players wouldn't feel like their time is being wasted when helping others. While the idea of adding a daily quest has been suggested before, I feel it wouldn't provide a solution for geared players since they would receive nothing in return.
Furthermore, considering that drops of any type of essence are not very common (many players have gone up to 5 days without any drops), it makes sense. Personally, I've been running the dungeons with three characters a day since they were released, and I'm still in the process of gearing up. Therefore, I assume new players with only one character able to run will certainly take their time.
That being said, it would make sense to make weapons non-tradable to ensure that players still have to run the dungeons for blueprints and materials instead of simply buying their way through the content. The issue being addressed is that unlike previous content, once you're done gearing up, there's no reason to continue running the dungeons, which makes it much harder for new players to find party members.
Additionally, I believe Infecctado may have missed the point. The concern is not about how long it takes for geared players to complete the dungeons, but rather the lack of incentive for them to continue running them. Similarly, suggesting tradable experience shows a lack of understanding about the new dungeons. Experience is not a problem at all for leveling up weapons, as the dungeons provide more than enough. In the unlikely event that you craft more weapons at a faster pace than normal players, you can simply farm 0/10 dungeons, which guarantee a generous amount of experience, while essences remain completely random. By the way, if you love Eden Eternal pvp & pve, need a lot of Eden Eternal items and gold, go to, safe & great service.