Lost ark: Valtan gate 2 simple guide/pointers
So i've been doing Valtan Gate 2 for quite a long time... the first week was tough because i had to jump between groups however the second week was similar to being much more easy.
I believe that I've had enough experience and have figured out that there are a lot of steps you need to take to ensure the run is smooth. There are lots of mechs in this fight , and should you not plan certain things out with your party members, it could be a major struggle... I have observed a number of people refusing to take any advice and if you come across anyone like that, better go away... You can't perform this when pushing deadweights... So these are my suggestions that will help make the fight more smooth and allow you to rest. By chance. I won't mention the obvious machines i believe that everyone knows with certainty.
1. During the an armor break phase following the initial charge, which breaks the 3 o'clock tower. Bait him to the 11 o'clock tower. This is because you'll need to create an extra space for the Axe fall pattern. It is also possible to lure the wall to attack it to free up space. There is no need for towers to frighten him. You can also stun him using other parts of the pillars. The more space you have here will make everything more enjoyable.
2, After 90 HP bar, stay in the center and cause no harm... He will leap and break a side , and you are able to safely go towards the opposite.
3. The 2nd deadly moves that frequently destroys the pugs are imprisoning mech... Valtan freezes 3 members of the party... It happens fast and does not take the time to wait therefore you must have the other party members to be freed. Even a some slackers may result in a wipe.
4. Most deadly, and the technique Valtan employs more than imprison mech is counter the stance. Valtan will flash, grasp his axe using two hands and then begin charging. If anyone is attacked during charging, he'll wipe out everyone. This means that even one person could cause chaos throughout the raid. If he flashes, to stop, you must stand beneath him right in front of the place he's holding his axe, or you'll be to be thrown away.
5. Silence and counter... This is a lot easier to have a plan... Have 3-4 party members create a counter-orders prior to fighting. A lack of a plan could be disastrous however.
Here are my top tips and I think there are some important points to remember when fighting in valtan. In addition, the issue of support... I've been through a lot of valtan pug in the past two weeks and am able to tell you that there are plenty of poor support players. Many do not have the correct timing and simply throw shield randomly, or when it is difficult to avoid moves. Personally, I believe it is better to have a poor DPS than a weak support due to the fact that a poor dps when it dies early could cause the fight to be more intense.
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