Game News
Old School Runescape Sailing goes to the polls as its first new skill
Aug-22-2023 PST / runescapeOld School Runescape Sailing is the first new skill at any point added to the well-established classic MMORPG, yet it'll possibly be presented assuming players conclude they like it. Old School Runescape discloses its first new skill, Sailing, and the group at Jagex wants to find out whethe... -
RuneScape Raises Max Cash Trade Limit
Jun-13-2023 PST / runescapeThe RuneScape team has put through guaranteed change to raise the trade max cash limit and the main Community Hitlist improvement patch. A large part of today's update is the max cash limit increase. You'll have the option to carry and trade up to 2.147 quintillion gold. This is up from a 2... -
Old School RuneScape Players Hit It Big With 16 Billion Gold Bounty
Oct-19-2022 PST / runescapeA gathering of Old School RuneScape players hit the bonanza as they guaranteed a 16 billion gold bounty because of a PvP kill recently. We should back up a bit since how they arrived is a boring tale. As per GamesRadar who previously revealed this in front of the end of the week, the bounty...