World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic Makes Important Change to Valor Points

Blizzard has announced a significant change to the Valor Points system for World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. Unlike the original Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria, which had a weekly Valor cap of 1250 (later adjusted to 1000), Cataclysm Classic will increase the cap by 60%, setting it at 1600. This adjustment aims to enhance the player experience by allowing faster acquisition of Tier 11 pieces and other Epic gear.


Valor Points System


Since The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft has used various systems to offer players competitive raid gear in exchange for currency, ensuring bad luck protection and rewarding players for completing content. The Justice and Valor Points system in Cataclysm was particularly well-received, allowing players to earn currency through endgame PvE activities and spend it on valuable gear. This system standardized the currency, making it useful throughout the expansion.


Key Changes in Cataclysm Classic


    Increased Weekly Cap:

        New Cap: 1600 Valor Points per week.

        Impact: Players can obtain Tier 11 chest and leg pieces in three weeks instead of five.


    Valor Points from Heroic Dungeons:

        Increased Amount: Players will now earn 240 Valor Points per Heroic dungeon, acknowledging the increased difficulty of Cataclysm's Heroic dungeons compared to Wrath of the Lich King.


    Valor Points Unlock Timing:

        Unlock Date: Valor Points will be available from the first weekly reset.

        Dates: European players can start earning Valor Points on May 22, 2024, while players in the rest of the world can start on May 21, 2024. The launch of Cataclysm Classic is scheduled for May 20, 2024, ensuring players only have to wait a maximum of 48 hours.


Conquest Points for PvP


Conquest Points, earned from endgame PvP activities, will also see a structured rollout:

    Initial Cap: 4000 Conquest Points.

    Increment: The cap will increase by 4000 points each subsequent week.

    Availability: The inaugural Cataclysm season starts on May 28, 2024, meaning players can start earning Conquest Points after the second weekly reset.


Roadmap and Updates


Blizzard's roadmap for Cataclysm Classic includes frequent updates, culminating in the launch of the expansion's final raid, Dragon Soul, in January 2025. This ensures a steady stream of content and improvements, keeping the gameplay experience fresh and engaging for both PvE and PvP players.




The increased weekly cap for Valor Points in WoW Cataclysm Classic represents Blizzard's commitment to enhancing the player experience by allowing faster progression through endgame content. By adjusting the system and taking community feedback into account, Blizzard aims to maintain the balance between challenge and reward, ensuring that Cataclysm Classic is both nostalgic and enjoyable. With these changes, players can look forward to a more dynamic and rewarding adventure in Azeroth.


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