WoW WotLK Classic fan has made a Frostmourne lightsaber
A WoW WotLK Classic fan paralyzed players wherever by 3D printing a Frostmourne lightsaber, thus making the best Warcraft X Star Wars hybrid of all time.
WoW Wrath Classic has restored fans' affection of the strong Lich Lord, yet his scandalous weapon, Fostmourne. Fostmourne is notable for being the Lich Lord's two-gave longsword that detains the spirits of its casualties and transforms the living into the controlled undead in the MMORPG.
One fan took his adoration for Frostmourne to a higher level by making a lightsaber from Star Wars that has the handle of the legendary Frostmourne.
The piece was made by TethanProps, who shared the completed item to WoW's subreddit page where it took players' breath away, turning into a web sensation immediately. Frostmourne's handle was made by 3D printing each piece of the edge and afterward hand painting them with intense consideration to ensure the edge looks like the one that shows up in-game.
The first base handle before the Frostmourne pieces were added is an acrylic lightsaber sharp edge, which permitted Tethan to slide the cutting edge into the blade once the Frostmourne handle part was finished. The button that lights up laser is simply over the horns.
In the remarks, WoW Wrath Classic fans spouted over the possibility of a Death Knight and Jedi hybrid. One said, "Envision Arthas as a Sith that can revive any fallen foe he's killed. Could Jedi actually have the option to utilize the Power when undead? Envision his Death Knights as Power adepts that could destroy individuals without contacting them."
Another player jokes, "So I surmise that makes Arthas a Jedi? I'm not one to advise the Jedi Gathering how to take care of their business yet I don't know ordering the Scourge of Undeath sends an extraordinary message to the system in general."
This hybrid of WoW and Star Wars honestly didn't really like the two properties were expecting; nonetheless, it works with fantastic style.
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